
We know and work with the best wedding suppliers in Mallorca

Wedding Suppliers in Mallorca

Tried-and-tested Wedding Suppliers in Mallorca

We are privileged to be able to work with the suppliers that we do. We have many talented wedding professionals for all types of wedding supplies here in Mallorca that have been tried and tested many times over. We only recommend providers that we know to be truly professional, reliable and provide excellent standards of service. From photographers, florists and cake makers to chefs, musicians and transport, we have suppliers to suit all wedding budgets. Our White Hot Book contains many more unusual suppliers too such as acrobats, dancers, light artists, donkey rides and much much more... whatever your heart desires. And if we don’t have what you need in our Book, we will find it for you, we love a new challenge!

Have a look at 

Some of our suppliers' recent work...

Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca
Wedding Planner Majorca

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